Silahkan perhatikan bacaan bahasa inggris dalam halaman ini. Kali ini saya tidak memberikan kalian tugas untuk mencatat dan menghapal seperti di materi pertama dan kedua, melainkan untuk membaca, merekam lalu mengirimkan hasil rekaman bacaan kalian langsung ke nomor WhatsApp saya di 082146255270. Jika kalian membutuhkan panduan membaca, kalian diperbolehkan untuk menyalin teks bacaan ke halaman google translate, agar bisa dibaca oleh sistem google. Atau jika diperlukan, kalian boleh menggunakan aplikasi apa saja, bahkan termasuk meminta bantuan teman dalam kelompok belajarmu khususnya bagi mereka yang merasa sanggup memberikan contoh cara membaca dalam bahasa inggris. Gunakan kreatifitas kalian, yang saya perlukan hanyalah rekaman bacaan kalian yang kalian kirimkan ke whatsapp saya secara personal, masing-masing, sendiri-sendiri. Jika kalian membutuhkan bantuan, panduan atau merasa instruksi saya kurang jelas, silahkan gunakan grup telegram untuk saling berbagi informasi. Sekian. Selamat Membaca!
I was one of students who liked an adventure. It could be proven from the extracurricular that I took in my school, for example is hiking. I really liked in doing hiking, especially to reach the top of mountain. Even though I did not reach yet the top of mountain, but I had passion on it. I like hiking to the top of mountain, it was because by this adventure, I could test my adrenalin. Then, it made me more realized how beautiful the creation of God was.
In testing my adrenalin, I did any competition that was held by my school, especially the competition which challenged my adrenalin. One day in that time, I followed one of competitions that were held by school that was climbing mountain side. This competition was followed by many participants. It consisted of 50 participants.
Before starting this competition, there were some preparation that might be prepared by committee. For the example, they checked all participants especially for participants health condition. This checking had a function to identify whether the participants were suitable to follow this competition. Besides, checking all participants health condition, the committee also prepared some medicine, doctors, and safety tools to climb the mountain side.
After finishing all requirements above, I was thankful for God. It was because I could follow the competition without any maningful obstacle. Based on the result of health check of my body was so good, and I could start the competition with another participants at all.
At 10.00 o’clock, the competition of climbing the mountain side was started. In the beginning of this competition there was no meaningful obstacle. Everything worked well. Nevertheless, the time showed at 10.30, there was an accident to one of the participants. The name of participants was Rocky. When climbing the mountain side, his hand-grip toward the mountain side get loose. That condition made him could not maintain him-self. Then, two expert climbers helped him. He was saving. Then, the competition was ended at 12.00 o’clock and I was the first winner. I was so happy and glad to made it.